Eastern Psychological Services

Eastern Psychological Services


Boredom and Addiction

Boredom This article explore the complicate relationship among : boredom and  Surplus energy;  urges; addiction; clarity of mind; clear conscience; guilty conscience, meditation. People who meditation regularly, carries a larger capacity of surplus energy in compare with people who don’t meditate. What is the benefit of having a larger capacity of surplus energy? For a

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Four common mistake in teaching children mathematics

  Why so many high schoolers say “I hate mathematics”. There are many reasons, I have found some possible causes. I hope by making some corrections in the way we teach mathematics, may be, there will be fewer high schoolers hate mathematic. One of the problems is: Mathematician, educators, epistemology, cognitive psychologist are too busy

Four common mistake in teaching children mathematics Read More »

Why married man have affair with woman who is less attractive than his wife

There are probably thousands of answers. Here I name one of the thousand. This one is a secret. Everyone stare at it, but they did not know it is the answer they are looking for. Every woman know it is their perfume, their long eye lashes, the bush on their faces, their eyebrows, their curvaceous

Why married man have affair with woman who is less attractive than his wife Read More »

If you are depress, don’t try to get out of it until you get something out of it.

Eastern perspectives of depression Depression is a mental status. It carries a function: survive adversity.  It is a mental status in which a person can rest and restore the energy, so to recovery; or go deeper: Pause, reflection, examinate the course, reset, and redirected, or even go to a deeper level: not only examine the

If you are depress, don’t try to get out of it until you get something out of it. Read More »

Why recreational skills are important to mental health

The importance of recreational skills in our mental health After years of practice, I found out that those patients who have a gambling addiction, video game addiction, those who are suffering from psychosis, and, to a lesser extent, patients with depression and anxiety all lack recreational skills. Those who are anxious say: I don’t have

Why recreational skills are important to mental health Read More »

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